Welcome to our 2020 AAA PD Conference. An inspiring conference with world class speakers that provide teachers, teacher-librarians, librarians and the general public with up-to-date knowledge and industry insights for promoting literature and literacy within the NSW Education Curriculum. ​This event has NESA accreditation for 6 hours and also offers delegates the opportunity to listen to each speaker and visit our virtual trade fair where books can be purchased from the bookshop.
This Conference will encourage critical and reflective thinking and provide a showcase of professional development resources to support educators in their role. Bookings are open until November 23 and viewing open until November 30. Book here.
NESA Accreditation: If you wish to gain 6 hours of NESA Accreditation you must watch all the presentations on this page and then complete the Reflection & Feedback form found at the end. Each question you will be asked on the Reflection form is provided with each presentation. We suggest that you note down your answers in a word doc or on a piece of paper as you watch the presentations as the form needs to be completed and submitted in one go. If you have any questions please email cbcansw@bigpond.com.
Welcome by Liz Bowring CBCA NSW Branch President
Conference Special!
Purchase here a signed copy of When Galaxies Collide by Keynote Speaker Professor Lisa Harvey-Smith
Delegates who registered before Oct 2, 2020 will automatically receive a copy.
The Comparison between Narrative and Factual Text
Keynote Speaker Claire Saxby
Thanks to Walker Books. You can visit their trade stand here.
NESA Question: Why do authors choose to include narrative in an information text?
An Environmental Perspective
Keynote Speaker Lee Constable
Thanks to Penguin Random House. You can visit their trade stand here.
NESA Question: How would you use this 'How to Save the Whole Stinkin' Planet' with your students?
An Indigenous Perpective to Information Text
Speaker Aunty Fay Muir & Edie Wright
Thanks to Magabala Books. You can visit their trade stand here.
NESA Question: Why is it important to have an authentic indigenous voice creating texts?
The Enquiring Mind
Keynote Speaker Professor Lisa Harvey-Smith
Thanks to Melbourne University Press. You can visit their trade stand here.
NESA Question: Professor Lisa Harvey-Smith’s passion for astrophysics and her own energetic and enquiring mind shine through her talk. What is her stated purpose for writing her books ‘Under the stars’ and ‘The secret life of stars’?
The Comparison between Narrative and Factual Text
Keynote Speaker Pamela Freeman & Liz Anelli
Thanks to Walker Books. You can visit their trade stand here.
NESA Question: Why do authors choose to include narrative in an information text?
Information Texts and Library Collections
Keynote Speaker Pauline Fitzgerald
Thanks to The State Library of NSW. You can visit them here.
NESA Question: The State Library of NSW has created a wide variety of rich, digital information texts from the wealth of resources in their collections. Explore the examples given and choose which forms of information give the most effective access for your students’ learning?
Explaining the Complex Simply - A Publisher's Perspective
Speaker Maryann Ballantyne
Thanks to Wild Dog Publishing. You can visit their trade stand here.
NESA Question: Maryann believes that nonfiction texts are critical because they develop the reader's background knowledge, and it is this context that is critical for learning success. Choose one book she presented as an example and describe the techniques used to make the complex knowledge simple.
Creating Readers in a Digital Age
Speaker Louise Park
Thanks to Allen & Unwin. You can visit their trade stand here.
NESA Question: What is your takeout message from Louise’s talk?
The Connection between Music and Language
Speaker Dr Anita Collins
Thanks to Allen & Unwin. You can visit their trade stand here.
NESA Question: What does research show is an indicator of the brain being ready to learn to read?
An Illustrators Perspective
Speaker Sami Bayly
Thanks to Hachette. You can visit their trade stand here.
NESA Question: How would you set student tasks in light of Sami’s ideas?
Narrative as a Way of Engaging Children in Information Texts History
Speaker Katrina Nannestad
Thanks to HarperCollins. You can visit their trade stand here.
NESA Question: Why does Katrina Nannestad believe history is more than facts?
An Individual's Perspective
Speaker Lucy Bell
Thanks to Pantera Press. You can visit their trade stand here.
NESA Question: Lucy Bell uses a distinct and intentional authorial voice, friendly and optimistic. Her voice reinforces her purpose, to engage the reader to motivate them to take action. How else does Lucy use narratives, as well as facts, to fulfil her purpose?
An Author's Perspective
Speaker Peter Macinnis
NESA Question: Name 2 add-ons specified by Peter which would make ebooks a richer format in the future.
Photography in the Wild
Speaker Jan Latta
Thanks to True Life Books. You can visit their trade stand here.
NESA Question: How does a photograph enable a student to gain accurate information?