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2021 Anticipate Appreciate Applaud

2021 AAA International PD Conference


About the Conference


2 Day Pre-recorded online event with Trade Fair and Bookshop

View on demand from March 30 to May 31, 2021.


This global conference has been created in the spirit of exploring the inner worlds of Poetry. The conference will be an online experience for those who love poetry, wish to discover its power and empower others, students, teacher and the broader community, with a love of poetry. We will discover how poetry connects us; how we can build a community which celebrates diversity and inclusiveness. Whatever our poetic starting point, the amazing line-up of Australian and International speakers will educate and inform delegates. The many diverse workshops will enable delegate participation and be available on line for teachers to utilise with their students.


Clarification from NESA states

For teachers completing their maintenance period in 2021 or 2022, the hours you participate can be registered as Elective PD.

‘Under the transition arrangements for maintenance of teacher accreditation, for teachers completing their maintenance period in 2021 or 2022, which is the majority of teachers, Elective PD and Registered/Accredited PD count equally.’ (NESA, 16 February 2021)

2021 AAA Poetry

NEW Prices

We have listened and we understand that there is online/Zoom fatigue so we have dropped Conference prices.

CBCA Member - Two days $440 Inc GST or $110 Inc GST per session

Non-Member - Two days $550 Inc GST or $137.50 Inc GST per session

Group booking prices and Group Booking Form here

Bookings open until May 24, 2021



We have heard from some teachers that a conference with poetry as its focus may not match their schools’ priorities, such as improving students’ comprehension, writing or grammar. Here is our response. Poetry is an ideal medium for addressing the 4 main objectives of the NSW English Curriculum, to enable students to:


  • Communicate through speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing & representing

  • Use language to shape & make meaning according to purpose, audience & subject matter

  • Think in ways that are imaginative, creative, interpretive & critical

  • Express themselves &their relationships with others & their world


Selection of poetic texts meets the criteria of:

  • Quality texts

  • Intercultural experiences

  • Insights into indigenous experiences

  • Differing viewpoints


Using an excellent anthology, poems can be easily incorporated into any unit of work. The compact & precise use of language means they are perfect model texts for both reading and writing. At the micro level of learning, poems and lyrical picture books are as valuable as any scheme book, passage or worksheet text to develop many skills, including:

  • Interpreting language

  • Finding the main idea

  • Inferencing

  • Developing vocabulary

  • Writing using language devices

  • Reading for close study of language devices

  • Grammar in use


Poetry writing workshops by some of our presenters will provide teachers with the knowledge, skill and confidence to enhance student learning. They can be used in classrooms with students for the duration the conference is online.


Additional Resources for Conference Delegates In addition, practical written resources to support teachers will be available for download by attendees in conjunction with each session.



The Poetry-Friendly Classroom: immersion is the key!

Responding to Poetry in the primary classroom through talk

General Poetry Resources Poster: A-Z of Poets Annotated List of Anthologies


Session 2: Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds

Resources and Teaching ideas to Celebrate Book Week in 2021

The Best Books of 2020 Poster: A-Z of Poets

Annotated List of Anthologies


Session 3: Lyrical Language

Lyrical Language in Picture Books - Mentor Texts

Sophie Masson: School Magazine worksheets

Poster: A-Z of Poets

Annotated List of Anthologies


Session 4: Verse Novels

Poster: Middle Grade Verse Novels

Poster: Young Adult

Poster: A-Z of

Poets Annotated List of Anthologies


Session 5: Performance Poetry

Give Voice to Poetry - performance suggestions

Poster of A-Z of Poets

Annotated List of Anthologies


So, Poetry can help your school improve literacy outcomes… Whilst engaging students!


CBCA NSW Branch can provide assistance with a Staff Development Day Package suited to your school’s requirements. Contact Felicity here or at

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Conference Program

Day 1

Keynote Session 1: Total time: 100 minutes

In Love Again: Poetry


Acclaimed author and poet, Libby Hathorn, will inspire you about the power of Poetry – reading and writing. This foundational session will give you the knowledge to unpack poetry and inspire you and your students to read and write poetry in many forms. The power of language in poetry and especially Indigenous language will be explored by Kirli Saunders. Studying how poets use language – what words and phrases they choose and combine – can help us better understand ourselves and others.



Libby Hathorn - Addressing the Curriculum to inspire the teaching of Poetry - 20 mins

The Making of a Picture Book ‘We Children and The Narrow Road to the Deep North’ by Libby Hathorn and Illustrated by Sadami Konchi - 20 mins

Sadami Konchi - The Illustrator Embraces Poetry - 20 mins

Libby Hathorn - Poetry Workshop - 20 mins

Kirli Saunders - An Indigenous Perspective of poetry - thanks to Magabala Books - 20 mins


Presenters Biographies here.


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Session 2: Total time: 120 minutes

CBCA Quality Literature: Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds


How up to date are you about the titles published in 2020? Celebrate with us as we explore the worlds created in quality children’s publishing in 2020. Get the inside scoop. Experts in the field will present their informed choices on the books that could appear on our CBCA Notable list, the Shortlist and the ultimate Winners and Honours. Ursula Dubosarsky, the esteemed Australian Children’s Laureate, will unpack the CBCA 2021 Book week theme – motivating you and your communities to celebrate throughout the year!


The CBCA Shortlist announcement will be live streamed on March 30, 2021 at 12.00pm Midday on the CBCA Website and available from our conference.



Quality Books Published in 2020 - Short Listed Categories

Victoria Roberts - Early Childhood - 20 mins

Better Read Kids Bookshop - Younger Readers - 20 mins

Julie Swane - Older Readers - 20 mins

Jasmine Seymour - Picture Book Category - 20 mins

Sarah Foster - Eve Pownall Category - 20 mins


Ursula Dubosarsky - 2021 CBCA Book Week theme, Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds is unpacked by the Australian Children’s Laureate - 20 mins


Presenters Biographies here.

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Session 3: Total time: 150 minutes

Lyrical Language


Our language is the primary tool of expression and its development is a crucial part of the English curriculum. Linguists believe what is universal about the language we use, reflects one’s culture and has an impact on how we behave.

Practitioners in their fields will enhance our understanding of lyrical language and the power of language to influence thought. This makes vocabulary building a critical part of education. To expand one’s language is to expand the ability to think and comprehend. We can see this in children, whose thinking develops hand in hand with language. Reading and writing texts rich in lyrical language and poetic techniques, will develop a student’s appreciation of the power that language can exert in the oral and written word.



Kathryn Thorburn - Speech Pathologist - best practice approach to support students with language and communication needs - thanks to Speech Pathology Australia - 20 mins

Scott Jeaneret - Poetry in Primary Schools - 20 mins

Mirella Bohan - Poetry in High Schools - 20 mins

Jackie French - Inspiring kids to use lyrical language in their writing - thanks to HarperCollins - 20 mins

Meg McKinlay - Lyrical language in picture books with a focus on ‘How to Make a Bird’ - thanks to Walker Books - 20 mins

Sophie Masson - Learn, be inspired and have fun with Poetry - thanks to Christmas Press -Presentation 20 mins + 10 min workshop

Emily Sun – a genuinely new voice in Australian Poetry speaks to her debut Poetry Collection Vociferate|è©  - thanks to Fremantle Press - 20 mins


Presenters Biographies here.


Visit the Trade Fair & Better Read Kids online conference book shop

Please allow at least 30 mins

End of Day One

Conference Program

Day 2

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Session 4: Total time: 120 minutes presentation + 30 mins of writing workshops

Poetry at the Heart of it: Verse Novel Presentations and Workshops

The back story and process behind creating a verse novel.


Reading for pleasure is at the heart of literacy. Have you ever recommended a verse novel to your students? Do you understand the process of writing free verse? How do authors create believable characters? Do you have the skills to teach free verse writing to your students? Author's will speak to their craft and workshops will be delivered for participation by conference delegates. These workshops will be available for use in the school setting to inspire and assist student poetry writing until May 31, 2021.



Pip Harry - Reveals the creative process behind ‘Little Wave’ and her upcoming title 'Are You There Buddha?' to inspire younger readers to read and write verse novels - Thanks to QUP – 20 + 10 min workshop

Sally Murphy - Swimming in Poems, Drowning in Poetry - Thanks to Walker Books 20 mins

Lorraine Marwood - My signature poetry technique is writing from imagery - thanks to QUP - 20 + 10 min workshop

Wendy Orr – Weaving poetry into a historical adventure narrative - thanks to Allen & Unwin - 20 mins + 10 min workshop

Lucy Cuthew – UK based author speaks to the contemporary themes of her debut YA Verse novel ‘Blood Moon’ - thanks to Walker Books - 20 mins

Kwame Alexander - American verse novelist motivates young people to engage through language and literature - Thanks to Walker Books - 20 mins

Steven Herrick - Why I write verse novels - thanks - to QUP - 20 mins


Presenters Biographies here.

2021 AAA - 5 - Poetry and the community.

Session 5 Total time: 130 minutes presentations + 20 minutes workshops

Performance Poetry and the Community


Let’s have some fun with poetry. Performance poetry is a type of poetry that is performed for an audience. The poetry can be written in advance, or it can be spontaneously composed while the performance is in progress. It is connected to oral traditions that date back to ancient times before the written word and has often been passed down through generations. Memorisation is a key part, as is rhyme and rhythm. Today, the growing popularity of performance poetry is a boost for mental wellbeing. Spoken word is expressive and free, enabling performers to speak openly and honestly about issues in a controlled and safe environment. Be informed about how you may enhance student wellbeing and build a community of poets. Learn about community opportunities for budding poets.



Joseph Coelho - UK creative speaks to how poetry - transformed his life - Thanks to Walker Books – 20 mins

Sophia Thakur - UK poet’s unique approach to delivering a powerful message through poetry and taking spoken word into the community - Thanks to Walker Books – 20 min

Maxine Beneba Clarke - Spoken Word Poetry and Literacy - an award-winning Australian poet of Afro-Caribbean descent, discusses her journey to spoken word poetry, the rise of the poetry slam in Australia, and how best to utilise spoken word as a literacy tool in the classroom - 20 min + 10 min SLAM Poetry workshop

Nandi Chinna - The influence of the environment to enable access to her own still pool of creativity - thanks to Fremantle Press - 20 mins + 10 Poepatetics (walking and talking) workshop

AF Harrold – English poet, performer and children’s author - Poetry can be hilarious! - Bloombury - 20 + 10 min workshop

The Dorothea Mackellar Memorial Society - Capturing the imaginations of school students - 10 mins


Presenters Biographies here.



Visit the Trade Fair & Better Read Kids online conference book shop

Please allow at least 30 mins

End of Day Two

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